Frequently asked questions

How does Firmania work?

Firmania is meant to help you find the business hours and complete contact details for the companies you’re interested in. Whether you’re looking for a restaurant or you need some emergency medicine, Firmania is the easiest and fastest option to find what you’re looking for. Simply type in your location and the name or category you’re searching for and you’ll be given a list of results you can choose from.

Does it cost anything to use Firmania?

No, Firmania is absolutely free of charge!

How can I update my business information on Firmania?

Our Firmania Directory automatically synchronizes with our partner platform, the Cylex Business Directory. That means that any updates that will appear on your Firmania presentation page, first, have to be made on your Cylex page. You can either contact our Firmania support team, and they will take it from there, or you can update your page yourself, by going on your Cylex page. If you have set an admin for your business profile, you’ll be able to update your listing anytime you want, for free. If you haven’t done that, click on "Report Incorrect Data", then "Claim this Business" and send us the information you wish to be changed.

What if the displayed contact details or opening hours are not correct?

Firmania is constantly working on maintaining correct and accurate information. However, if you find any incorrect data, click on the "Report incorrect information" link, in the "Contact Details" section of the company’s page. If you do so, you will be redirected to a contact form, in which you can fill in the incorrect information you wish to report.

Why is my company listed on Firmania, if I never added it in this business directory?

We collect all of our data from the Cylex Business Directory, our partner company. If you listed your business on Cylex, it will sync with Firmania and the page will automatically be created on our platform. There is always the possibility for companies to be added to Cylex by their representatives.

What happened with my submitted review?

Writing a review will automatically redirect you to Cylex, where you can submit it and will be displayed shortly. Also, if you wish to read the already existent reviews, there’s a "See Reviews" button, which will also redirect you to the company’s Cylex profile.

How can I delete my company from Firmania?

In order to have your listing removed, contact our support team and we will take it from there, or go on your Cylex presentation page, then click "Remove Listing" and submit your request. Your company profile has to be first deleted from our Cylex Business Directory, and will automatically be removed from our Firmania Directory.